Personal Trainer, Lance Roberts, Motivaing Health

Let us help you lose weight & get strong!!

Big Fitness News!!

Starting this week on Mondays & Wednesdays from 22nd of July 2013, we are running new cross training classes for anyone that’s interested, 5.30pm to 6.30pm. Our cross training is the perfect balance between cardio & strength and you’ll feel amazing after each session. (Get fit & Strong at the same time!)  It’s free to our gym members & only $10 for casuals.

Great for all levels of fitness because we show you how to work at your own pace. If you are an existing member don’t worry, The Cross Training classes won’t interfere with normal members training.

These classes are great if you want to kick start a weight loss program.


Call Lance on 02 4365 0123 or direct on his mobile 0423 721 941  for more info ………………….Stay Motivated!!!!